Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well everybody, it happened. I was trying to stay on relatively friendly terms with my lovely congressman Jim Matheson and that ended tonight. It all started this morning when my alarm went off at 4:45 so that I could make it to a jobsite by 6:00. By 7 in the morning, I had already had my day's first failure (I'm usually not even awake by 7 and today I had already had a massive failure by 7? Oh, this day was doomed) in the fact that I was missing a part needed to fix the fan, so I had 4 other guys staring blankly at me like "Dude, really?" Sorry guys. Then I get to the office to realize that a coworker is trying to steal a $200,000 job from me and the day stayed in a steady decline. So when I got home at 9:30 tonight and was greeted by an email from Jim Matheson about health care reform, the cork came out of the bottle and the bubbly was flowing. So I wrote him a little letter to give him a piece of my mind, and by the time I got done, it was so rude, abrasive, and just cruel and mean, that I figured I had to post it in order to save it for posterity. Feel free to plagiarize if you're ever as voer-the-top frustrated with the infiltration of socialism & communism as I was tonight (clearly I was plagiarizing from the article Jonny linked to after my last post, so I can hardly be angry at attempts of plagiarism.) Oh, and sorry that this post was not nearly as entertaining as the last post. I'll work on that for the next one.



Hi Jim,
Once again, thank you for emailing me and asking me my opinion. Unfortunately I live in the 2nd District (that's the liberal one) and I always end up being frustrated by what goes on in the second district, but at least you invite input I appreciate that.


First off, thank you for voting no to the health care reform bill. Even though your reasons are all wrong for doing so, what is most important is your "no" vote.


Second, we need to go over some points of your email that are completely insane.

"Health care costs are the number one driver of our long-term deficits" What does this even mean? What stats do you have to show this? If you do have facts to prove this point, I would argue that it's the liberal welfare programs of medicare & medicaid that are causing it. If it is true, then it is because the government needs to get OUT of this business, not get deeper in to it!!

"In order to get real cost savings, we must reform the incentives of a system that equates more expensive care with better care" Are you kidding me? Have you ever heard of the free market outside of your Washington D.C. office? I'm sure you can name very few instances where a higher quality product costs less. Are you really loony enough to think that I am going to get a Mercedes Benz level health care for a Kia price? That has got to be one of the all time stupidest things I've ever heard.

"Insurers should not be able to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions." Are you serious? How would you feel if you owned a bank that loaned money and I passed a law that said you couldn't turn somebody down for a loan just because they have had 3 bankruptcies in the last 5 years. Yup, the government says you have to lend to this guy at a max rate of 10% interest even with his 3 bankruptcies. My guess is that you would close the doors of your bank for good...woops, that includes firing all of your employees...there goes that unemployment number skyrocketing again!!!

"They should not be able to hike premiums when people become ill" Once again let's pretend you own a business. This time you’re in the business of auto insurance. I turn 16, so you give me insurance. By the time I'm 17, I have had 17 tickets and 3 accidents. What are you going to do if the government says that you are not allowed to hike my rate? That's right, once again you're going to close your doors as you just can't keep up with my pace of 3 accidents per year and stay in business.

"The status quo is unsustainable and unacceptable. Inaction is not an option." I only very minimally agree with this. I believe improvement can be made, but that everything I've seen so far is 180 degrees in the wrong direction. Here are the basics of my proposal. Far from complete, but at least it's headed in the right direction. That is the direction of free market capitalist solutions and not government welfare handouts to fat lazy slobs who don't work.

1. Eliminate the employer deduction to businesses for health care. What a stupid idea this was in the first place. What next? Am I going to get my homeowners policy from my job as well? This idea also creates Kajillions of dollars of revenue for the federal government who is now so far in debt that I believe a bankruptcy similar to that of England is imminent - but that's a subject for another email.

2. Phase out medicare & medicaid. Generational Theft and Communist Welfare. That's the essence of these two programs. Communism, Socialism, & Welfare are the things that are driving this country to the slaughter house. Don't blame the results of socialism on doctors & insurance companies.

3. This stems from item #1. Return health insurance to the free market where it belongs with all the other insurance categories. If I don't like my car insurance, I shop around. If I don't like my life insurance, I shop around. If I don't like my health insurance - Wrong!!! I'm screwed!! My employer chose some stupid "one size fits all" plan. This is so silly! Put the responsibility and the choices back in the hands of the people and you'll be amazed at what happens. We'll all be shopping around and finding the best deal that suits us the best, and costs will fall through the floor!!! Better yet, there will probably be some business who is smart and address the preexisting condition problem and starts selling 30 and 40 year term policies similar to life insurance. But those of us who don't want that...well, we won't have to pay for it. It's great!!! We can get as good or as crappy of a plan as we feel like, instead of having some stupid washington Bureaucrat who only has the goal of getting reelected, or some stupid corporate big wig who only has the companies best interest in mind decide what policy options I should have. What a concept!! Let people choose what they want to buy? You're not my mommy; you don't go to the grocery store and decide what I will eat tomorrow night; you don't go to the car dealership and decide what car I want to buy (well, Barack is trying to do that, but again, that's saved for another email) and you don't go househunting and determine which house I should live in. So where in the world do you get off thinking that it is best for me for you to decide my quality and price of health care? Alternatively, why would you ever think it would be best for my employer to decide that either? But that's basically what the government (that's you) does when it gives my employer a tax exemption for providing me with health care and doesn't give me the same exemption when I pick my own health care.

Jim, it is so sad to me, that this problem could be solved so easily by simply returning health care to the free market and completely eliminating government and employers from the equation. It is even more sad that you're not going to do that either out of stupidity or out of the love of control and power. The more that the people rely on the government, the bigger hero you become right? Finally, the saddest part is that Americans, either out of stupidity or the love of laziness have no problem voting for communists like you and Barack who are more than happy to "shoulder the burden" of the american people for the mere price of their freedom and their prosperity. I can hardly blame you for the communist leadership style you have chosen. You're just a business filling the needs of its customers. It's a shame that the customers don't have confidence in themselves to get through life and instead would prefer to trust in big brother to solve all of life's toughest problems.

I am sorry I have come off so harsh in this email. I usually try to stay more diplomatic than this, but I'm low on sleep (busy busting my butt at work so that I can afford to foot the bill for all the teenage abortions under the forthcoming obamacare) and I'm trying to get my point across in the smallest amount of time that I possibly can, so this email has placed a higher priority on efficiency than on diplomacy and political correctness.

Thanks for your time and your listening ear. I hope you enjoy your August Vacation with your family.

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